Retrieve details about any domain registration

Identify Domain Owners
While privacy laws protect many domains, you can still reach out to them through our WHOIS search
Discover Domain Expiry Dates
Find out the expiration date of a domain. If you’re interested in a registered domain, understanding its expiry date can assist in potential acquisition. The current owner might allow the domain to expire, providing you with an opportunity to register it

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ICANN mandates ownership information for several crucial reasons. Firstly, it enables contact with the website owner in case of critical issues, such as security breaches, to mitigate damage.
Secondly, it serves as a deterrent to illegal online activities, fostering trust in the internet’s overall integrity by holding website owners accountable.
It’s straightforward. Just enter the website (including the .com, .org, etc.) into the search bar above and click ‘Search.’ You’ll be directed to a page displaying limited ownership information. For a more detailed view, visit https://www.icann.org/.
Generally, WHOIS provides accurate website ownership information. However, some individuals may not always provide reliable details to their registrar. While there are no guarantees, legitimate websites usually have accurate WHOIS information.
No, WHOIS is strictly for informational purposes and for contacting website owners directly regarding a purchase, with consent from the registrar.
Access your ‘My Domains’ page and select ‘Advanced List View.’ Above your list of domains, you’ll find a toolbar option called ‘Ownership.’ Click on it to update your contact information.
In most jurisdictions, registration information is private by default. You can learn more about accessing non-public domain contact information here.
No, most WHOIS search services provide the same results. Using our WHOIS search, a competitor like GoDaddy’s WHOIS lookup, or even going directly to whois.net will yield similar information.
While WHOIS is often called a ‘database,’ it doesn’t index every single website and owner. Instead, it searches related registrars holding the domain and presents the provided information.
Unanswered Questions? Feel free to contact us at (480) 624-2500, and we’ll assist with any questions you may have, 24/7.
If you’re considering purchasing an already-owned website, your first step is to use WHOIS to find the domain name owner.
The WHOIS database contains information such as the website owner’s name, company name, address, phone number, and more for every website on the internet. ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) mandates the publication of this information through registrars.
However, you can safeguard your information by opting for private registration. CCD automatically protects your data, and if you wish to make your contact details public, you can easily adjust the setting. Additionally, for enhanced domain protection, we offer two options: Full Domain Protection and Ultimate Domain Protection, which you can select during checkout.
Quick Tip: To remember what WHOIS does, think of it as sounding out 'Who is the owner of a particular website?'—hence the name. Contrary to common belief, it's not an acronym
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