Refund Policy

Refund Policy for Last Updated: 8/10/2022
Products purchased from Cheap Cool Domains are eligible for refunds within the specified refund period outlined in this policy. Certain products may have different refund policies or requirements, including products that are not eligible for any refunds under any circumstances. Please refer to the following terms for applicable refund conditions.
For the purpose of this Refund Policy, “Date of the transaction” refers to the purchase date of any product or service, including the date of any renewal processed by as per the terms and conditions of the relevant product or service agreement (here)
The “Refund Period” allows you to cancel a product at any time, but a refund will only be issued if you request it within the specific refund timeframe specified for the relevant product, if applicable. 
No Refunds After Account Closure. If you qualify for a refund, it is important to request the refund before closing your account. While you have the option to close your account at any time, please note that you will no longer be eligible for a refund once your account is closed, unless otherwise permitted by this Refund Policy. 

Our Standard Refund Terms

Annual Plans+ Within 30 days of the date of the complete transaction. 

Monthly Plans*+ Within 48 hours of the date of the complete transaction.

*Monthly Plans include all plans with less than a 1-year term (e.g., 6 months., 9 months., etc.) 
+Please note that, Security products with remediation service cannot be refunded once a cleanup request has been submitted. 

BRAZILIAN CUSTOMERS: Any products or services purchased from Cheap Cool Domains. com are eligible for refunds if canceled within seven (7) days from the transaction date. 

Attention EU & UK Customers: As per your statutory rights, you have the freedom to cancel products and services within a period of 14 days (approximately 2 weeks) starting from the date of the contract. It’s important to note that we retain the right to charge a reasonable fee for any services already rendered up until the cancellation date. Hence, a complete or partial refund may not be feasible in all cases. Please be aware that this policy does not impact the “Products with Special Refund Terms,” where full refunds may be granted if applicable. Rest assured; your statutory rights remain unaffected by this Refund Policy.

Products with Unique Refund Terms 

Ad Spend 

For SEV Premium, the ad spend and search marketing fees for the current month are non-refundable. However, we may consider refunds for future pre-paid months and any additional ad spend or search marketing fees for future months. 

Assisted Service 

Refundable after the initial three-month period. 

Auction Featured Listings 

Refundable within the first 24 hours if no bids have been placed.

Auctions Additional Categories 

Refundable within the first 48 hours (about 2 days) if no bids have been placed. 

Domain Backorders

If a Domain Backorder credit has already been applied to an auction, it is non-refundable. However, if the credit has not yet been applied to an auction, it is eligible for a refund within 30 days from the transaction date  


Domain Name Registrations/Renewals

What is a TLD?

 1.Standard Terms 

  • New Registration: 5 Days (120 Hours) 
  • Auto-Renewal (one-year): 45 Days (1080 hours) 
  • Auto-Renewal (multiple-year): 5 Days (120 Hours) 
  • Manual Renewal: 5 days (120 Hours) 


  • .AU: New Registration / Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal – 3 Days (72 Hours) 
  • .COM.AU: New Registration / Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal – 3 Days (72 Hours) 
  • .NET.AU: New Registration / Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal – 3 Days (72 Hours) 
  • .ORG.AU: New Registration / Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal – 3 Days (72 Hours) 
  • .CZ: Manual Renewal – 59 Days (1416 Hours) 
  • .IT: Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal – 14 Days (336 Hours) 
  • .MX: New Registration – 45 Days (1080 Hours) Registration fee frozen during period, no charge. Fee is charged at day 46, No refund. If the domain name is deleted during the Grace Period the fee is unfrozen. 
  • .COM.MX: New Registration – 45 Days (1080 Hours) Registration fee frozen during period, no charge. Fee is charged at day 46, No refund. If the domain name is deleted during the Grace period the fee is unfrozen. 
  • .PE: Manual Renewal – 29 Days (696 Hours) 
  • .COM.PE: Manual Renewal – 29 Days (696 Hours) 
  • .NET.PE: Manual Renewal – 29 Days (696 Hours) 
  • .NOM.PE: Manual Renewal – 29 Days (696 Hours) 
  • .ORG.PE: Manual Renewal – 29 Days (696 Hours) 
  • .PH: Manual Renewal – 59 Days (1416 Hours) 
  • .COM.PH: Manual Renewal – 59 Days (1416 Hours) 
  • .NET.PH: Manual Renewal – 59 Days (1416 Hours) 
  • .ORG.PH: Manual Renewal – 59 Days (1416 Hours) 
  • .SE: Manual Renewal – 69 Days (1656 Hours) 
  • .SG: Manual Renewal – 29 Days (696 Hours) 
  • .SO: Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal – 4 Days (96 Hours) 
  • .COM.SO: Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal – 4 Days (96 Hours) 
  • .NET.SO: Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal – 4 Days (96 Hours) 
  • .ORG.SO: Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal – 4 Days (96 Hours) 
  • .UK: New Registration / Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal – 5 Days (120 Hours) 
  • .CO.UK: New Registration / Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal – 5 Days (120 Hours) 
  • .ME.UK: New Registration / Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal – 5 Days (120 Hours) 
  • .ORG.UK: New Registration / Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal – 5 Days (120 Hours)


Expert Services

If an Expert Service has already been performed, it is non-refundable. If the service has not yet been performed, it is eligible for a refund within 30 days from the transaction date.

Get Started Service

If a Get Started Service has already been performed, it is non-refundable. If the service has not yet been performed, it is eligible for a refund within 30 days from the transaction date.

Hosting Services

If a Hosting Service has already been performed, it is non-refundable. If the service has not yet been performed, it is eligible for a refund within 30 days from the transaction date.

Purchased Product with Free Domain

If you cancel a purchased product that includes a free domain name, the list price of the domain name will be deducted from the refund amount. The list price refers to the price of the domain name listed on Cheap-Domain’s website and does not include any promotions, discounts, or other price reductions.


Website Services:

Build Fee: A 30% cancellation fee applies when the site design is in progress, and a 70% cancellation fee applies when the site design is delivered for review. Once the first revision is completed or after 30 days from the transaction date, it becomes non-refundable. After 180 days from the transaction date, web service design is considered completed and not eligible for a refund.

Hosting: Eligible for a refund according to the “Standard Refund Terms” mentioned above.

Logo Design: A 40% cancellation fee applies when the design is in progress. It becomes non-refundable once the artwork is delivered or within 30 days from the transaction date.

Website Makeover Services:

A 30% cancellation fee applies when the site design is in progress.

A 70% cancellation fee applies when the site design is delivered for review.

It becomes non-refundable once the service is complete.

Website Care and Marketing Services:

If you have used Website Care or Marketing Services during the billing period, your subscription is non-refundable.

Marketing Services Premium: If the plan is bundled with Website Design Services and there is no customer contact for 6 weeks, the services will be closed and non-refundable. Refunds are only available within 30 days of purchase if a manual malware removal was not completed.

WordPress Premium Support:

Refunds may be granted if the plan is cancelled before the end of the billing cycle and no credits have been used. If a service has already been performed during the month, it is non-refundable. If the service has not yet been performed, it is eligible for a refund within 30 days from the transaction date. Future unused months may also be refunded if the plan is cancelled and pre-payment was made.

Trustee Fees

Trustee fees are refundable if the domain was not successfully registered. However, trustee fees are non-refundable upon renewal.

Website Security

Refunds are available within 30 days of purchase only if a manual malware removal was not completed.

Products Not Eligible for Refunds

The following products are not eligible for refunds:

Appraisals (Express and Certified Appraisals are non-refundable if the customer has already applied the credit).

Auctions Memberships

Cloud Servers

Configuration Add-Ons

Discount Domain Club (if used for purchase)

Domain: Auctions, Buy Service (refund only if no bid has been submitted on the domain for which the service was purchased), Consolidation or Monitoring

Hosting Connection paid Apps (non-refundable once set up)

Merchant Accounts

Office Max Bundles

Premium Domain Names

Redemption Fees

Transfers (if successful)

Registrations or Renewals in the following TLDs are fully non-refundable:


Registrations or Renewals in the following TLDs are refundable, except for the condition in parentheses (in which case, they are non-refundable):

Registrations or Renewals in the following TLD’s are refundable, except for the condition in parentheses (in which case, they are non-refundable): **

.AMSTERDAM(New Registration and Manual Renewal Only)
.ARCHI(Manual Renewal Only)
.BIO(Manual Renewal Only)
.SKI(Manual Renewal Only)
.CA(Manual Renewal Only)
.CZ(New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only)
.IT(New Registration Only)
.MX(Manual Renewal Only)
.COM.MX(Manual Renewal Only)
.PE(New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only)
.COM.PE(New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only)
.NET.PE(New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only)
.NOM.PE(New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only)
.ORG.PE(New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only)
.PH(New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only)
.COM.PH(New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only)
.NET.PH(New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only)
.ORG.PH(New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only)
.SE(New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only)
.SG(New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only)
.SO(New Registrations Only)
.COM.SO(New Registrations Only)
.NET.SO(New Registrations Only)
.ORG.SO(New Registrations Only)
.TW(Auto-Renewal Only)
.COM.TW(Auto-Renewal Only)
.IDV.TW(Auto-Renewal Only)
.ORG.TW(Auto-Renewal Only)